JD Ingraham
JD Ingraham began piping in the wake of 9/11 after having seen many pipers performing on TV for memorial services. At the time he also played trumpet in his school band and he continued playing both instruments through high school and college.
After earning a degree in Aerospace Engineering, JD moved to Charleston to work as an Engineer for Boeing. Soon after JD became the Senior Pipe Major of the Charleston Pipe Band in 2015, the same year he was also promoted to Grade 2 in solo competition. JD also lead the Charleston Pipe Band (Grade 4) to an undefeated season the very next year!
JD has also composed several original compositions, with more than one being published in The Voice - the magazine of the Eastern United States Pipe Band Association.
JD is now the voice of “Weekly Drone” on the Big Rab Show Podcast, after being the popular choice following an amazing audition. JD also contributes regularly to the show, providing insight into the competitive scene in the United States.